Photography was the logical next step in our business. Not being able to find a photographer who could work with us when we needed them, I began taking photos of all our work along with portraitue, still life and commercial.
We have the ability to capture those moments we create and the ones you want to create.
Our prices are based on expertise and location, as we travel all over to accommodate your needs.
Click the link above to see more photos!
Click the link above to see our modeling account
Our rates for parties and Private events are $100 flat fee and get's you tons of photos for a very inexpensive price. We will edit the best of the photos and supply you with a link of where you can view and download them. There is no limit to the number of photos we take, but it is based on the amount of time we have to photograph.
If you are looking for a photographer for a large festival or event that you are putting on, we can provide you the services you need and we have multiple photographers that can cover all the angles so we don't miss anything. The fee here is just for me and covers the cost of editing hundreds of photos that you will be able to use for promotions, magazines and websites. Usually takes 1-3 days to edit all photos. Special discounts are given to schools, churches and non-profits. Call for a quote.
The fee is higher for this, because we want to make sure you get the best photos possible and also includes the cost of taking engagement photos, putting together a killer photo album and much more. Again, if you need more than 1 photographer or if you would like to include video footage, we will be able to accommodate your needs at a reasonable extra charge. Call to book me for your wedding today!
Click images to see respective galleries!
$100 flat fee
Parties & Private Events
$500 per day
Festivals & Events
(8 hours including processing of photos)
$1000 per day
(Includes Engagement Photos & Custom Album. Processing photos is included in the price)
$0.50 per mile
Traveling Cost Roundtrip